2nd Generation Financial Group specializes in 

Out-of-Court Workouts, Turnarounds, Restructurings and Refinancings


Due to these turbulent economic times numerous private-equity, VC funds and commercial loans are not performing the past few years. Between COVID, supply chain disruptions, layoffs and a worsening US and world economy, ROI’s are pushed out years into the future. The Chapter 11 process can be expensive and time consuming. Less than 10% ever emerge from bankruptcy.  They are always liquidated. 

We suggest before hiring a bankruptcy attorney let our professionals take an unbaised confidential look. We have provided turnaround, restructuring, refinancing and strategic advisory services for over 25 years to manufacturers and service companies with revenues in the $5 – $100 million dollar range through our long-term non-bank private lenders and private investment relationships.  We are extremely efficient in creating structure and finding the best rates, terms and covenants available in a difficult financial environment.                                        

Our private investment relationships and non-bank lenders can be more aggressive providing working capital and term loan solutions. They also purchase debt and equity portfolios, allowing opportunities for lenders and investors to redeploy funds to new industries.


  • Past-president of the Turnaround Management Association – Houston, Texas (Houston Chapter).
  • Commercial lender funding of over $500,000,000 in working capital, inventory, equipment and owner-occupied real estate loans with verifiable track record and results. Direct relationships with money-center and non-bank lending institutions over 25 years structuring and funding middle-market transactions in the $5mm-$50m range.
  • Turnaround Experts – Interim-CEO’s and Chief Restructuring Officers whose game plan to clean portfolio companies up, identify new markets/alternate revenue streams; refinance, ultimately to be an acquisition candidate.
  • Advisory services to equity portfolio investments and senior debt commercial bank loan portfolios.
  • CFO experienced in manufacturing, distribution and service companies, facilitating M&A activity, contracts review, managing SEC reporting and heading quarterly and annual audits for parent and subsidiary entities. CFE specializing in corporate, joint venture and contract compliance audits. 
  • Turnaround, Restructuring, Refinancing and Strategic Investor Advisory

                                                                                 Our Services

       2nd Generation Financial Group – provides a quick confidential diagnosis of the company problems Independently assess market conditions, develop a               restructuring, turnaround and refinancing plan for success. Implement plan with monthly benchmarks.

  • We facilitate in arranging non-bank working capital, mezzanine and term loans from our sources due to our extensive relationships with non-bank lenders and private equity investors with a strong verifiable track record.
  • Our professionals are seasoned turnaround, restructuring, refinancing and strategic planning specialists who have extensive knowledge and experience.
  • We can also take on short term interim positions to fill difficult to find searches where an executive has been asked to immediately resign and vacate their position.
  • Revise financial projections.
  • Assist with cash management and sale of assets or subsidiaries of problem portfolio companies.
  • Freeing principals to focus on other portfolio holdings and new investment.

For a confidential pro-bono conversation or meeting contact: 

Barry Cohen, Managing Partner, 713-806-4466 or barry@2gfinancial.com